Revelation AudioBook

Holy Bible
King James Version

Book Commentary


The author of Revelation is John the Apostle, who wrote this book while exiled on the island of Patmos.


John’s purpose in writing Revelation was to encourage and strengthen Christians who were facing persecution. He wanted to offer them hope during their hardships by revealing God’s ultimate victory over evil and the establishment of His eternal kingdom.


Important Notes:

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ:

Revelation paints a vivid picture of the return of Jesus as a conquering king. The book describes him as coming to judge the world and usher in a new heavens and a new earth.


Spiritual Warfare:

Throughout Revelation, there is an ongoing battle between the forces of God and the forces of Satan. However, amidst this struggle, John highlights God’s sovereignty and control over all things.


Judgment and Redemption:

Not only does Revelation show God’s judgment upon the wicked, but it also promises salvation and eternal life for those who believe in Jesus Christ.


The Call to Endurance:

In the face of trials and tribulations, Christians are called to persevere with faith, knowing that God will ultimately deliver them.


Important Symbols:


 Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, and Seven Bowls:

These symbols represent increasing levels of God’s judgment poured out upon an unbelieving world.


The Dragon:

Satan is represented as a dragon, the great enemy of God and His people.


The Beast:

This symbolizes worldly power and opposition to God, often interpreted as oppressive governments or ideologies.


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse:

 These horsemen symbolize war, famine, pestilence, and death.



 In Revelation, Babylon represents a corrupt and oppressive world system that stands in opposition to God’s ways.


New Jerusalem:

 This symbol represents the heavenly city where believers will experience eternal peace and fellowship with God.


Overall Structure:


 Introduction and Letters to the Seven Churches 

(Chapters 1-3):

 John begins his book with a vision of Jesus Christ and is instructed to write letters to seven churches in Asia Minor. In these letters, he offers both praise and correction.


Prophetic Visions 

(Chapters 4-22):

 In the following chapters, John describes a series of visions filled with symbolism that reveal God’s throne, judgment on the earth, the battle between good and evil, the final victory of Christ, and the establishment of the new heaven and new earth.


Final Message:

 Despite its use of complex symbolism, Revelation ultimately delivers a powerful message of hope and triumph for Christians facing difficult times. It assures believers in Christ that they will ultimately overcome sin and death through His sacrifice and his future return.